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Gold adhesive polyphane sold by the metre. Heights: 20 cm, 25 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 150 cm in stock.
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Glossy gold adhesive polyphane

The ATELIER de CÔTE OUEST DÉCO uses all kinds of adhesive materials to make the lights: white polyphane, transparent polyphane, gold polyphane, silver polyphane, always in stock.

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Made a light with a golden interior.

Make a light with a golden interior.

To make lampshades, wall lights and hanging lights with a gold interior using your fabric or paper, you need to use gold adhesive polyphane. It's opaque and doesn't let much light through, but gold adhesive polyphane reflects the light, giving off a brilliant warm glow that enhances the base of a lamp or warms up an atmosphere. 

Gold polyphane is available in a range of heights to suit your needs.

At CÔTE OUEST DÉCO we use it every day in our production, so it's always in stock.

  • Material: Polyphane adhésif PVC
  • Interior: Gold
  • Available heights: 20 cm - 25 cm - 30 cm - 50 cm - 150 cm
  • Sold by the metre (if you want a 3-metre length, enter 3 in quantity and you'll receive a 3-metre piece).
  • When we prepare your order, there may be glue marks on the polyphane, which can be removed with methylated spirits.
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